"Behold I have graven you upon the palms of my hands." Isaiah 49:16

Lately I have often doubted and feared God, believing he may have forgotten me. And yet, God, says that this is not possible since I am engraved into his hands. The thoughts of Spurgeon on these words give a new depth of comfort. He says, "[God] keeps his promise a thousand times, and yet the next trial makes us doubt him. [The verse] does not say, 'Your name.' The name is there, but that is not all: "I have graven
you." I have graven your person, your image, your case, your circumstances, your sins, your temptations, your weaknesses, your wants, your works; I have graven you, everything about you, all that concerns you; I have put you altogether there."
Jesus engraved me into his palms when he gave his hands over to have the nails driven through; my whole person on his mind in those dreadful hours. And still today, my whole life on his mind every time he sees the scars. No bitterness. They are like an engagement ring, reminding him of his love for me and my belonging to him. Someday I will see the wounds in person and my belief in his love for me will sore to heights unknown. For now. Faith. However small. Tears. Sighs. Laughs. Trust; that his love is not earned by any 'right living' of mine or yours, but by fierce, sacrificial, brave, forgiving love of a person who is beyond our wildest imaginings.