I had the best day! We had a small party with my brother and his wife and with Bob and Mimi. Some highlights: Riley in awe of the Minnie Mouse decorations as she drew in her breath and said "I love it"; watching her excitement over the polk-a-dot birthday cake and blowing out her own candles; watching her give hugs and kisses to family; hearing her say "Bob, hey Bob" over and over; watching her put on every piece of dress of clothes; having Jeff and Mary Elizabeth drive up for the day; falling asleep with a smile on my face; hearing Riley's squeals of delight with each gift. What a day. I can't wait for the main gift that's coming Riley's way - tickets to Disney on Ice to see Minnie ice skate. She's gonna FLIP OUT! And to think how much God loves to give me even greater gifts than the ones I give Riley. Why do I so often doubt His love for me?!
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